1. Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies (MIAS), Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
2. Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Colombia
The authors deploy a descriptive approach for recognizing recent trends in the Colombian agricultural output. They combine the production analysis and the spatial perspective, streamlining the data and the spatial positioning. Using the agricultural Census 2014, they identified the territorial trends in flourishing commodities pushed by forceful changes in the international demand, and by the pressing tightening in the international food markets. In contrast, the Colombian competing imported products were demoted by the foreign imported production. The Colombian agriculture has been influenced by subsequent frameworks of economic policy, spanning from the protectionist stage through the liberalization era, until the current predominance of bilateral trade agreements. The spatial analysis bears out a random distribution of agricultural output across the territory, demonstrating the diversity of production and a scattered spatial pattern. In spite of the disparate production diversity, the agricultural export supply shows scarce diversification.