1. Faculty of Diplomacy and Security, Serbia
The author points out that the intensive use of the internet and its “charm” in recent years have led to the emergence of a phenomenon known as “internet addiction.” The internet itself is a harmless tool, but improper use of the network can increase the risk of addiction, mental health, and social relations disorders. Most people think that addiction is related only to the use of chemical compounds such as alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, and heroin, but experts believe that anything that stimulates a human being and makes them feel energetic can be addictive. Addiction treatment is not limited to drug therapy. Whenever a habit becomes compulsive, such as gambling, drugs, alcohol, or even playing computer games, chatting, surfing the web, it can also be considered addictive. Behavioral addictions should not be neglected due to lack of “material.” What makes people addicted is a pleasant experience in performing that behavior, just as addicts feel when they use chemical drugs.