1. National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Romania
The daily streamflow data—at 93 gauges on Romanian rivers and other 17 on the Romanian part of the Danube River, covering the period 1980 – 2020—were used to assess the characteristics of low flows, deficits, and seasonality. It was necessary to consider several indicators, such as: meanflow (MQ), mean annual minimum n-day discharges (MAMn-day), low flow percentiles (Q80, Q95), base flow index (BFI), extreme values of annual minimum 7-day discharge (AM7) and the streamflow below a fixed Q80 threshold. For assessing the occurrence and variability of low flows, rate and index of seasonality was used. The statistical computation of indices was made using the LFSTAT application packages developed in the R program. Also, in order to have an overview, at the level of the Romania, of low flows magnitude, the variability of minimum discharges on different time durations (days), the relative contribution of base flow to total river flow and for highlighting the driest year in the period 1980 - 2020, there were produced several maps with the spatial distribution of low flow indices.