The Kinship Worldview


Topa (Four Arrows aka Don Trent Jacobs) Wahinkpe1,Jacobs Jessica London2


1. Fielding Graduate University, USA

2. Ditchschool, USA


In this chapter, the authors introduce some Indigenous worldview precepts as a way to define and bring forth spirituality in education. Then the authors use a fictional story about two young children who find a mysterious letter from Indigenous spirits that seems to be responding to their recent complaints about their schooling. It emphasizes the importance of constantly recognizing and respecting the many reciprocal relationships in one's life, including those other than human ones. The authors show how Indigenous worldview precepts are a foundation for interconnectedness, experiential learning, playfulness, and responsible relationships that emphasize place and non-human life. The authors propose that such a spiritual orientation is generally lacking in schools that operate primarily from dominant worldview perspectives, and recommend that, while the worldview precepts can and should be brought into mainstream schools, a “no-school” approach has a better chance of bringing spirituality into education.


IGI Global

Reference12 articles.

1. Bentz, V., James, M., & James, M. (2021). Deathworlds to lifeworlds: Collaboration with strangers for personal, social and ecological transformation. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Publishing.

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3. Four Arrows. (2008). Unlearning the Language of Conquest: Scholars Expose Anti-Indianism in America. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press Four Arrows & Narvaez, D. (2020). Restoring our Kinship Worldview: Indigenous Voices Introduce 28 Precepts for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Press.

4. GraeberD.WengrowD. (2021). The Dawn of everything: A new history of humanity. MacMillan.

5. Harris, L., & Wasilewski, J. (2004). “Indigeneity, an Alternative Worldview: Four R-s (Relationship, Responsibility, Reciprocity, Redistribution) vs. Two Ps (Power and Profit. Sharing the Journey Towards Conscious Evolution. In Systems Research and Behavioral Science.

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