1. Ulyanovsk State University, Russia
The purpose of study was to evaluate the indicators characterizing the development of the healthcare system in the regions of Russia. The study used official statistical information on the activities of medical organizations located in all 82 regions of Russia for 2020. The density functions of the normal distribution were used as models. The research showed that on ten thousand people living in the region are an average of 48 doctors, 85 hospital beds, 289 patients who were served daily in organizations engaged in outpatient treatment. These indicators are higher than in many other countries, which creates prerequisites for the development of emotional intelligence in the Russian healthcare sector. In most regions the salary in the healthcare sector did not differ significantly from the average salary in the corresponding region. The proposed methodological approach and the results obtained have a scientific novelty, since the assessment of regional features of medical care in the regions of Russia has not been carried out before.