School Resource Officers' Impact on Violence and Crime


Brown Angelo Kevin1


1. Arkansas State University, USA


School resource officers (SRO) have been involved in the American school system for about 70 years. SRO programs began in the early 1950s beginning within a school district in Flint, Michigan. Since the start of SRO programs, police officers were predominately placed in schools with a high percentage of African American students and in low-income communities. School administration had implemented a program to station law enforcement officers in the school because of crime, drugs, and violence within the school. The community in the Flint School District had a lot of racial discrimination and elevated levels of racial inequality and segregation. As school administrators and community leaders in this era often blamed minority youth for juvenile delinquency and school-related security issues they pushed for law enforcement to combat these problems.


IGI Global

Reference79 articles.

1. ACLU. (2016). A South Carolina Student Was Arrested for ‘Disturbing a School’ When She Challenged Police Abuse, So We Sued. American Civil Liberties Union Report.

2. Cops and Cameras

3. Criminalization and discrimination in schools: The effects of zero tolerance policies on the school-to-prison pipeline for black girls.;S.Aldridge;Aisthesis: Honors Student Journal,2018

4. Integration of Federal Bureau of Investigation and United States Secret Service/Department of Education Threat Assessment Models into a Conceptual Framework for Prevention of School Violence

5. Bacher-Hicks, A., Billings, S. B., & Deming, D. J. (2019). The school to prison pipeline: Long-run impacts of school suspensions on adult crime (No. w26257). National Bureau of Economic Research.







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