Ecological and Economic Efficiency of Investments in Water Management


Frolenkova Nadiia1,Kozhushko Leonid1


1. National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the actual scientific and practical problem of improving methodological and methodical approaches to the evaluation of design solutions in the water management and land reclamation industry based on the ecological and economic principles in conditions of uncertainty. To solve problems, it is necessary to reform organizational-economic relations in the industry, including new sources and forms of financing for water management and land reclamation projects, introduction of new environmentally advanced technologies, and the improvement of the existing ecological and economic evaluation of investments. Based on scientific and methodological recommendations used for evaluating the effectiveness of investment in various spheres of economic activity, the authors developed and implemented an improved methodology for the evaluation of water management and land reclamation projects. The method was tested during the reconstruction of a rice irrigation system in the steppe zone of about 3000 ha in Ukraine.


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