1. Jain University (Deemed), India
The conventional methodologies of arrhythmia identification are based on morphological features or certain transformation technique. These conventional techniques are partially successful in arrhythmia identification, because it treats heart as a linear structure. In this chapter, ECG based arrhythmia identification is assessed by employing MIT-BIH arrhythmia dataset. The proposed approach contains two major steps: feature extraction and classification. Initially, a combination of non-linear and linear feature extraction is carried-out using Principal Component Analysis, Kernel Independent Component Analysis and Higher Order Spectrum for achieving optimal feature subsets. The linear experiments on ECG data achieves high performance in noise free data and the non-linear experiments distinguish the ECG data more effectively, extract hidden information and also helps to attain better performance under noisy conditions. After finding the feature information, a binary classifier Support Vector Machine is employed for classifying the normality and abnormality of arrhythmia.