Stories Make Readers


Aerila Juli-Anna1,Kauppinen Merja2


1. University of Turku, Finland

2. University of Jyväskylä, Finland


Using literature in multilingual and second language classes promotes literacy skills and helps children to adapt to second language instruction. This chapter presents the theoretical framework and practical implementations for enhancing the use of literature in multilingual environments employing Stories Make Readers (StoRe)–project as an example. StoRe concept helps to promote the use of fictional literature and to increase the reading materials and reading time at school and at home. An important aim is to offer, in multilingual groups, reading materials that correspond to the reading abilities and interest of the readers, and to connect different collaborative, child-centered, and multidisciplinary activities in reading. The multilingual line of the StoRe project, called Creating Innovative Approaches to Language Education (IKI), identifies and promotes innovative models for the use and development of language in education and creates research-based, pedagogical maps that help teachers develop and improve their pedagogical practices.


IGI Global

Reference80 articles.

1. Aerila, J.-A. (2010). Fiktiivisen kirjallisuuden maailmasta monikulttuuriseen Suomeen. Ennakointikertomus kirjallisuudenopetuksen ja monikulttuurisuuskasvatuksen välineenä [From the world of fiction to multicultural Finland] (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

2. Aerila, J.-A., & Kauppinen, M. (2019). Lukukipinä. Pedagogisia keinoja lukuinnon herättelyyn. [Spark for reading: Pedagogical approaches for the enjoyment of reading]. Jyväskylä, Finland: PS-kustannus.

3. Ytimessä-hanke testaa ja kehittää yhteisöllisen lukemisen muotoja;J.-A.Aerila;Ytimessä. Kirja kaiken oppimisen keskiöön,2019

4. Iltasatukirjahyllyillä tasa-arvoa ja tukea perheiden lukemiseen;J.-A.Aerila;Ytimessä. Kirja kaiken oppimisen keskiöön,2019

5. Multicultural Literature and the Use of Literature in Multicultural Education in Finland







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