1. Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
The author reflects on her own journey through academia and the moments in which change has and has not happened throughout her time as a doctoral student to understand what foundations are needed for transformational change in society and the implications of these implications on academia. Though this process of reflection, the author argues that the bedrock of societal transformation is change that begins within and through experience. These experiences allow for the individual to embody the radical ideas needed within their bodies and selves. The chapter ends with the argument that only when such transformation is internalized and becomes part of one's own identity can there be change in society more broadly.
Reference12 articles.
1. A phenomenology of whiteness
2. Multicultural Ideology and Transnational Family Ties among Descendants of Cape Verdeans in Sweden
3. Voice in Qualitative Inquiry
4. Birl-Torres, T., & Emdin, C. (2020, July 15). Reality Pedagogy as presencing: Equity and embodiment in the school community [Workshop presentation]. Reimagining Education Institute.
5. CollinsP. H. (1990). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Unwin.