1. Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio, Finland
2. Ageing Research Centre, Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland
3. National Treasury Management Agency, Ireland
Falls can have harmful physical and psychosocial consequences that affect the activity, socialization, and quality of life of older adults. Falls prevention education (FPE) is critical to prevent falls among older people. FPE is required for all key stakeholders, including older people health care professionals and students, as well as other professionals who work with or offer services for older people. This is especially important to ensure the quality of services in health care sector in home services, hospitals, and residential settings. The FPE contents are extensive and need to be tailored to who is being trained and where. FPE is important because it informs prevention and management, hence supports older people with and without injuries to have an active and healthy life. There is extensive evidence-based to support FPE and well-functioning educational models to use this work. FPE pay dividends for people, society, and the economy.
Reference64 articles.
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