1. St. Xavier's College, Ranchi, India
2. Sarala Birla University, India
3. University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India
Afghanistan is a land that is known for its war, violence, and instability. Called a rogue state, Afghanistan has been living with violence and war as part of its reality for the last four decades. The ordinary lives of civilians have been marred by violent and unwelcoming foreign involvement, invasion, and tussle for power. Afghanistan has historically been caught up between foreign powers and treated like a pawn in a larger global conflict. At different times in history, parties have tried to get control over this landlocked, strategically important country. As a result, Afghanistan has never really seen a stable, long-lasting, democratically functioning government leading it to be called the Graveyard of Empires. In its political history, it has worked like a puppet in the hands of foreign powers and has been able to function only with their support and aid. Afghanistan is a fragile state struggling to form a stable polity and clamouring for world recognition and, more importantly, support. This chapter takes the reader on a journey to war-torn Afghanistan.
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