Aging in Portugal


Sousa Maria Inês1


1. ISCTE, University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal


The chapter explores demographic aging data in Europe and the world, but more precisely in Portugal. A gradual increase in seniors and a reduction in youth characterize demographic evolution. In the chapter, the factors leading to these phenomena will be identified and duly explained, as well as the responses developed for their effect. One of the objectives is to identify solutions and answers for healthy and stimulated aging at institutions and professional areas, such as sociocultural animation. Despite several designations worldwide, its purpose is the same: to provide moments of leisure, stimulation, and learning to the entire population. In this sense, lifelong learning is a concept to be explored.


IGI Global

Reference46 articles.

1. Alves, T., Rodrigues, E., Neto, M., Mexia, R., & Dias, C. M. (2021). Acidentes domésticos e de lazer ocorridos em pessoas com 65 e mais anos durante a pandemia da COVID-19: comparação entre 2019 e 2020 [Home and leisure accidents in people aged 65 and over during the COVID-19 pandemic: comparison between 2019 and 2020]. Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, 10(30), 62-66.

2. Alzheimer Portugal. (n.d.). A Doença de Alzheimer [Alzheimer's Disease]. Retrieved from

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