1. Facultad de Educción, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
2. Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Music education has formed part of compulsory education levels in Spain since the entry into force of the Organic Law for the LOGSE of 3 October 1990. Nonetheless, it cannot be said that music education is fully consolidated at these education levels. The purpose of this article is to determine the perception of currently active teachers regarding their daily teaching practices in the subject of music. A focus group of 11 active teachers was established, all of whom were civil servants: six primary school teachers and five compulsory secondary and higher secondary education teachers. The results show that problems arise due to their different conceptions of music education, as well as the lack of connection between teaching practice and the supporting theory. It is therefore considered necessary to reflect on these aspects with a view to definitively establishing this subject as a basic and integral part of the school curriculum.