Big Data Analytics Driven Supply Chain Transformation


Feki Mondher1


1. Lemna Research Center, France


Big data has emerged as the new frontier in supply chain management; however, few firms know how to embrace big data and capitalize on its value. The non-stop production of massive amounts of data on various digital platforms has prompted academics and practitioners to focus on the data economy. Companies must rethink how to harness big data and take full advantage of its possibilities. Big data analytics can help them in giving valuable insights. This chapter provides an overview of big data analytics use in the supply chain field and underlines its potential role in the supply chain transformation. The results show that big data analytics techniques can be categorized into three types: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive. These techniques influence supply chain processes and create business value. This study sets out future research directions.


IGI Global

Reference71 articles.

1. Accenture. (2014). Big data analytics in supply chain: Hype or here to stay? Retrieved from

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