The general purpose of this scientific paper (Paper) is to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization on the macroeconomics of the EU member states (including Romania). To reach the general objective, 6 specific objectives were selected: the analysis of the birth and evolution of the concept of AI; identification and analysis of various forms of artificial intelligence, of its possible impact on the aggregate economy, based on the findings of the scientific writings; identification of the relevant sources of statistic data and information enabling us to undertake an inter-state comparative study regarding AI and digitalization; analysis of the intensity and sense of the correlation between various indicators expressing the use of AI systems and digitalization, in the EU; analysis of the interdependence between the average GDP per capita and labor productivity on the one hand, and the AI and digitalization levels, on the other; analysis of the interdependence between the share of IT professionals in total employment and the levels of AI and digitalization.