1. Puducherry Technological University, India
This research proposes a tweaked scheme based on DNA fragment assembly to improve protection over insecure channel. The proposed procedure utilizes binary coding to change over an underlying plaintext into a reference DNA arrangement to deal with the fragmentation. DNA fragment key expansion is applied over the reference DNA sequence to make the short-chain fragments. The redundancy in the long-chain of reference DNA is removed using DNA fragment assembly. A look-up table is generated to store the binary values of overlapped fragments to be reassembled during the encryption and decryption processes to prevent artefacts. Also, it is used in an overlapped sequence to counteract cipher decomposition. The results and comparisons demonstrate that the proposed scheme can balance the three most important characteristics of any DNA masking scheme: payload, capacity, and BPN. Moreover, the potential for cracking the proposed tweaked method is more complex than the current strategies.