Spatio-Temporal Variability of Soil and Methodological Approaches to Its Assessment by the Example of the Leningrad Region


Pasko Olga Anatolievna1ORCID,Zakharchenko Alexander V.2,Goryachkin Vladimir N.3


1. National Open Institute of St. Petersburg, Russia

2. Institute of Problems of Northern Development of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Russia

3. Center for Agrochemical Service "Leningradsky" Russian Federation, Russia


In recent decades, there has been a steady trend in Russia towards a decrease in the fertility of arable soils, which is recorded by changes in their agrochemical, agrophysical, and biological indicators. In addition, most regions, in particular the Leningrad region, are characterized by the presence of limiting climatic factors that limit the possibility of obtaining high yields, despite favorable natural conditions for the development of agricultural production. Knowledge of the properties of arable land makes it possible to optimize the nutrition of agricultural crops as much as possible, taking into account the necessary and sufficient doses of fertilizers, regardless of suitable conditions.


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