1. University of Bucharest, Romania & The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
2. Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador & Observatorio Euromediterráneo de Espacio Público y Democrac URJC, Spain
These days, achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) through infrastructure development puts a particular emphasis, on the one hand, on the need to address current challenges and, on the other hand, on the obligation to focus on individuals' well-being and communities' success. Firstly, creating resilient infrastructure calls for the commitment to bring prosperity and stability all around the Globe, while centering on innovative sustainable technologies. Secondly, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization implicates immense efforts to support citizens' equal and universal access to information, reliable infrastructure, financial services, and markets. Thirdly, fostering creativity and encouraging innovation leads to enhanced use of successful scientific research results, while targeting efficient use of resources, clean and environmentally friendly technologies, and sustainable industrial processes. Hence, how can individuals and communities meet future challenges in terms of upgrading the industries and the infrastructure, while focusing on prosperity for all?