Creative Writing


Orts Carles Cortés1ORCID


1. Universitat d'Alacant, Spain


This research addresses the therapeutic effects of creative writing for population segments aged over 50. In recent years, the author has taught story and micro-story writing workshops as part of the University of Alicante's training programmes for senior citizens, and this experience provides the starting point for the study. The study has focused on the creation of micro-stories (stories up to 10-12 lines in length), useful in developing writing skills due to the concision and precision needed to meet the length requirements. Thus, workshop participants of this age group have to be creative and innovative, improve their concentration and experiment with creative structures. With these objectives, several techniques have been employed to combat ageism: looking for diverse voices and experiences, exploring ageing-related issues, challenging standards of beauty and success, promoting empathy and understanding, and avoiding stereotypes and clichés.


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Reference28 articles.

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4. Arlés, E. Patricia (2009). Por favor, sea breve 2. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma.

5. AubM. (1991). Crímenes ejemplares. Calambur.







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