Innovating in the Teaching of Perspective Drawing


Serrano Eva Perandones1ORCID,Martín Vanessa Ruiz1ORCID,Santacecilia Francisco Javier Gayo1


1. University Center for Technology and Digital Art, Spain


The main objective of the project is to develop an application that helps students to work on the perception and analysis of space for its subsequent representation, focusing initially on the gradual understanding of the basic concepts of conic perspective. The idea is to develop a didactic tool that allows to visualize those lines and points not visible in reality, but necessary to establish and assimilate, for a correct spatial representation and that are so difficult for the student of artistic education. It is a support tool for the teacher to work on the drawing process, the education of the gaze, the perception of volumetry, the simplification of forms, and the understanding of depth.


IGI Global

Reference15 articles.

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