Significance of Transmedia Storytelling in Higher Education


Thrower Anika C.1,Evangelista Alex1


1. Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, USA


Institutions of higher learning are essential in society. In the year 2023, there were over 18 million students. Though this total is substantial, it is below par compared to past trends. Long-standing college enrollment has been a catalyst for educating individuals in their chosen fields. Education attainment over time assists people in increasing the quality of life for themselves and their families, optimal health outcomes, and higher levels of productivity in communities while opening themselves to a broader range of opportunities. Because of COVID-19, in recent years, enrollment, retention, and graduation rates have been a challenge, particularly among nontraditional college students. Ensuring mattering and providing an inclusive campus environment has been more critical than ever before. As college administration and instructors seek ways to alleviate such fluctuations, collaborative learning and transmedia are viable solutions.


IGI Global

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