1. MAEER MIT Pune's MIMER Medical College, India & Dr. BSTR Hospital, India
2. SEC Centre for Independent Living, India
Large language models are sophisticated AI systems that process and produce text that resembles that of a human being by learning patterns from enormous volumes of data. These systems make it possible to do jobs like dialogue, translation, and content production. The most popular implementation of LLM is the generated pretrained transformer (GPT) family of LLM. LLMs can assist in women's safety in numerous ways. They can help in distress and prove to be a dependable tool for women in the event of a crisis. LLMs can be employed to create virtual support groups for susceptible women, virtual assistance in times of crisis or need, and enhance the safety of women by suggesting avoidance of certain roads or vicinities for safety concerns. llm apps can function as safety alarms, safety education programmes, generative AIs to create appealing social media postings, blog entries, and videos, and safety-focused wearable technology.
Reference43 articles.
1. A Survey on Design and Application Approaches in Women-Safety Systems
2. AzunreP. (2021). Transfer learning for natural processing. Manning Publications.
3. Baierl, J. D. (2023). Applications of Large Language Models in Education.
4. BirdS.KleinE.LoperE. (2009). Natural Language Processing with Python. O’Reilly Media, Inc.
5. Emergency Alert System for Women Safety using Raspberry Pi