1. Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
2. Klaipėda University, Lithuania
This chapter presents insights from inquiry-based learning (IBL) cases in schools within the context of the international project ‘Teachers & Researchers Networking for Inquiry-based Learning.' The action research involved collaboration between teachers and researchers to design and implement project-based learning using the IBL approach. The 18 IBL projects created by the students demonstrated that IBL in the context of STEAM education is an effective method to tackle sustainability issues. Project-based learning (PJBL) enables students to explore real-world challenges and develop problem-solving skills. By designing learning projects that address sustainability challenges, students gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter while contributing to a more sustainable future. The researchers presented potential sustainable changes in schools, including the learning process design, educational content, and the roles of teachers and students. Practical recommendations summarizing the researchers' experience are provided as insights for further IBL and PJBL implementation.