1. St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Tanzania
2. Alassane Ouattara University of Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire
3. Kenyatta University, Kenya
This chapter argues that in order to ensure the prospect of education in Africa, equity, inclusion and efficiency of education technology needs to be given attention of improvement. This chapter employed a case study design, and ethnography as a qualitative research approach which adapted constructivist theory to discuss the status of E-learning, and the challenges encountered by the universities in Sub- Sahara Africa in the COVID-19 era. Moreover, this chapter intends to describe the approaches that could be used to ensure the provision of equitable, inclusive and efficient teaching in higher education in sub-Saharan Africa. Findings revealed that there is a big disparity of eLearning in African higher education lack of support, poor facilities, poor technologies and illiteracy. The chapter suggests the need to enhance curriculum based eLearning to ensure equity, inclusion and efficiency in education in Africa. Conclusion suggested that hybrid teaching learning is essential