Competitive Edge Building in Business


Chaturvedi Charul1,Mishra Debesh2ORCID


1. SAGE University, Bhopal, India

2. KIIT University (Deemed), Bhubaneswar, India


In today's competitive era, organisations adopt several practices to gain a competitive advantage. But the question that arises is: Are these practices based on the morals and values of our organisation? Thus, ethical practices are the solution to it. So, it becomes the moral responsibility of managers or the top management to adopt such practices, and therefore, companies must make social responsibility an integral component of every marketing decision. This chapter highlights the importance of using ethical marketing practices to gain a competitive edge over rivals. The chapter also highlights about importance of the responsible behaviour of producers towards society.


IGI Global

Reference74 articles.

1. Aguilar, F. J. (1994). Managing Corporate Ethics: Learning From America’s Ethical Companies How To Supercharge Business Performance. Oxford University Press.

2. AydinI. (2003). Managerial, Occupational And Organizational Ethics. Pegem Press.

3. Do consumers really care about corporate responsibility? Highlighting the attitude—behaviour gap

4. Is The Ethics Of Business Changing?;S. N.Brenner;Harvard Business Review,1977

5. Marketing Ethics And Postmodern Era. Analele Universitatii ‘Eftimie Murgu’;A.Bretcu;Resita Fascicola Ii Studii Economice,2013







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