Empowering Education Against Gender Violence


Durán González Rosa Elena1,Alfaro-Ponce Berenice2


1. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico

2. Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico


This chapter critically examines the shortcomings of sex education in Mexican schools, tracing its historical evolution in the context of governmental and global health policies. Initially, sex education in Mexico was predominantly biological; however, it has since expanded in response to societal changes. The chapter underscores the importance of a comprehensive educational approach that not only provides minors with knowledge, but also equips them with self-esteem, respect for others, and tools for self-protection. It explores the debate over who should bear the responsibility for educating children on these matters—parents, teachers, or both through a collaborative approach. Furthermore, the chapter offers practical guidelines and activities for educators, aiming to prepare children for a safer, more informed future. It advocates for an educational methodology that is contemporary, engaging, and free from dogmas and social prejudices.


IGI Global

Reference39 articles.

1. Álvarez, E. (2019). ¿Qué saben los maestros de primaria sobre educación sexual? Procesos de formación docente en torno a la educación sexual y la sexualidad: Estudio de casos. Área Temática 08. Procesos de Formación, COMIE. 1–10. https://www.comie.org.mx/congreso/memoriaelectronica/v15/doc/0661.pdf

2. Álvarez, J. L., & Jurgenson, G. (2011). Travestismo, transexualidad y transgénero. Revista De Estudios De Antropología Sexual, 1(3), 55–67. https://revistas.inah.gob.mx/index.php/antropologiasexual/article/view/573

3. Bambú, T. (2019, March 27). El feminismo radical, un gran incomprendido. Pikara Magazine. https://www.pikaramagazine.com/2019/03/feminismo-radical-incomprendido/

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