1. Christ University, India
The chapter gives insight into Generation Alpha and how skills and competencies are important in their holistic development. Different generational cohorts have various character traits and adapting capacities. The learning environment of Generation Alpha witnesses a high degree of digitization. Toys are one of the initial sources of learning and skill development in a child. Prior to formal education, these toys are the first sources of skill enhancement in children. The current research employed primary data collection to gauge the relevance of toys and their influence on a child's life. Four hundred Generation Alpha parents were interviewed for the same. Five predominant skills were identified after a thorough literature review. These five skills were selected based on an inclusion-exclusion criteria, and the questions were asked based on it. The identified five skills were academic, social, cognitive, motor, and imagination and creativity. The results of the study give solid clarity on the skills that are preferred by Generation Alpha parents through the use of toys.
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