Inclusive E-Tutoring Between Artificial Intelligence, Corporatity, and Emotionality


Tornusciolo Silvia1,Catalano Enzapaola2,De Giuseppe Tonia3ORCID


1. Mercatorum University, Italy

2. Pegaso University, Italy

3. Giustino Fortunato University, Italy


The report on the digital decade prompted the European Commission to issue recommendations to Italy aimed at encouraging investment in high quality education that leads to the development of the transversal skills necessary to keep pace with the digital transformation of society. AI is revolutionising the world, and, with it, education. Learning that passes through the corporeity and the senses is therefore destined to disappear and be replaced by the perception of the three-dimensional world? Will it still be necessary to aim towards literacy emotional literacy and inclusion, the result of a skillful application of inclusive teaching methodologies such as flipped inclusion? These are the questions the authors will try to reflect on, analysing in particular flipped inclusion, in order to of exploring, devising, designing and testing inclusive models of ecological development.


IGI Global

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