Digital Skills Through the Prism of European and Spanish Supranational Frameworks


Gil Casadomet Aránzazu1ORCID


1. Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain


This research delves into the importance of digital citizenship and skills in contemporary society shaped by the digital revolution. It critically analyzes digital skills frameworks like DigCompEdu, DigComp 2.2, UNESCO's ICT-CFT, and Spain's MCCDD, highlighting their strengths and limitations and emphasizing adaptation to learners' needs. An innovative pedagogical approach integrating virtual interaction and AI into foreign language instruction is examined, aligning with European Reference Frameworks and UN Sustainable Development Goals. The challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations in these educational dynamics within the digital landscape are explored. Ten axes are proposed to outline this approach, including interactive virtual environments, AI-driven e-learning platforms, virtual reality integration, AI-driven assessments, collaboration between educational institutions and tech companies, and promoting AI ethics awareness. It highlights the need for a current reference framework and standardized quality criteria to guide ICT utilization in the classroom.


IGI Global

Reference26 articles.

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