1. Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Turkey
This study fully addresses the effects of ChatGPT on tourism students from the perspective of academic tourism. When the research results are evaluated comprehensively, it is determined that academics have negative and positive opinions about the effects of ChatGPT on their students. It is seen that ChatGPT increases students' learning performance and digital literacy. However, there are also some opposing views on learning performance. It is stated that it is difficult for students to internalize information using ChatGPT; therefore, learning performance will be negatively affected. Similarly, it is thought that students' critical and analytical skills will be negatively affected by ChatGPT. Other positive effects of ChatGPT on students include raising their awareness of innovation and time management, providing information diversity, and supporting personal development and language learning. The adverse impact of ChatGPT on students includes making them lazy, weakening their researcher identities, losing motivation, and decreasing their evaluation skills.