Quantum Cryptography


Chauhan Sonam1ORCID,Srivastava Shipra2ORCID,Singh Ramveer3,Sharma Ajay1ORCID,Ojha Deo Brat4


1. SRM University, India

2. Greater Noida Institute of Technology, India

3. Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, India

4. University of Rajasthan, India


The world in which we live is heavily reliant on digital communications. Traditional communication methodologies have been replaced with digital communications methods such as e-mail, instant messages, social media, and many more. Every day, terabytes of data are generated and shared around the world. Securing data stored and shared across these networks have evolved into a thriving discipline. Cryptography is an excellent way to secure terabytes of data. The core of cryptography is to transform data into unreadable format. With the introduction of quantum systems, it has been proved that many traditional cryptographic schemes are unsecure and can be broken with quantum computers. This chapter presents a brief review of pre- and post-quantum systems.


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