1. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India
2. Prairie View A&M University, USA
Successful cloud computing (CC) lets businesses and people outsource data processing, storage, and access. CC has numerous advantages but new privacy and security risks. Data owners lose control over their data at external providers, making it subject to misuse, distribution, and access. The current data security method involves encryption. Encryption increases computing complexity, especially when data is dispersed throughout several CSP servers. Simple secrecy technologies include encryption and fragmentation. HSSOA-FEW is a hybrid sparrow search optimisation method for cloud security employing fragmentation and encryption. HSSOA-FEW holds data on CSP server with minimal encryption. HSSOA-FEW considers security and data storage. HSSOA-FEW also included sparrow search algorithm (SSA) with particle swarm optimisation. Additionally, HSSOA-FEW uses fused encryption and decryption. HSSOA-FEW controls and secures cloud servers. The suggested HSSOA-FEW system is tested extensively to improve performance. The experiments indicated HSSOA-FEW outperformed others.