1. Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, India
2. D.Y. Patil University (Deemed), India
Future communication will primarily be machine-driven, leading to high expectations for 5G wireless technology. Due to the increasing usage of low-power embedded devices, researchers are investigating solar energy as an alternative power source. Integrating solar cells into communication devices reduces size, weight, and energy consumption. Research has focused on four complete solar antenna combination topologies, including solar cells as an RF ground plane, lossy substrate, RF radiating element, and on or around the antenna. These designs meet the needs of the DC generation and serve as a building block for integrated communication systems for future mobile communications. The proposed green antenna system includes initiatives such as data strategy, spectrum sharing, and information on spectrum use relevant to 5G and bands above 6 GHz. As green antenna technology advances, it will need to demonstrate potential advantages over established options, providing engineers with more options to address challenging problems.