Literature Review on the Study of Non-Qualities of a Product Using Neural Networks


Zaizoune Marouane1,Herrou Brahim2,Khadiri Hassan3,Sekkat Souhail3


1. Laboratory of Industrial Technologies, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

2. Higher School of Technology, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Morocco

3. ENSAM, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco


The purpose of this study is to use the neural networks method in order to build a neural network system that studies and determines the cause of non-conformities. Companies are regularly confronted with quality problems stemming both from assembly mistakes and also during upstream stages in the process, like design, logistics, technical, and industrial support. These problems would sometimes reach the end customer inducing huge losses for the companies in term of costs and reputation. Therefore, an improvement of non-conformities detection systems as well as the identification of their causes is necessary, which is the purpose of this chapter. First, per the authors, this chapter discusses non-conformities in the industrial field and the management of quality problems. Then, the neural networks method is presented, as well as a review in its recent development and its applications. As a result, the steps to building the neural network system to study non-conformity causes are defined and described.


IGI Global

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