Revolution 4.0 as a Momentum for Human Resource Management Towards Era 5.0


Nur Andi Cudai1ORCID,Iqbal Shuja2ORCID


1. Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

2. Jiangsu University, China


Indonesia has entered the digitalization century by entering the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, as a revolution marked by a technological revolution that brought many changes and various impacts. Various problems have also arisen due to the COVID-19 outbreak, wars between countries, global economic recession, sales, purchases, and marketing, which are getting worse at the moment. So that human resources are the key to the success of a business such as SMEs, a strategy is needed to improve the quality of human resources. Given the importance of improving human resources to become superior, competent, qualified, and competitive. Era 4.0 requires various strategies to improve the quality of human resources to welcome Era 5.0; several strategies can be pursued such as providing motivation, increasing competence, skills certification, best practice, shows, events, and exhibitions in the development of SMEs.


IGI Global

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