Generative AI in Terms of Its Ethical Problems for Both Teachers and Learners


Le-Nguyen Huong-Tra1ORCID,Tran Trung Thanh2ORCID


1. Hanoi University, Vietnam

2. Clientscan, Vietnam


The chapter delves into the intricate ethical challenges posed by the integration of generative AI tools in educational contexts. As the educational landscape undergoes a profound transformation through AI-driven technologies, this chapter navigates the multifaceted ethical concerns that emerge. It explores issues surrounding data privacy, content bias, academic integrity, and the evolving roles of teachers and students in this digital era. Drawing on real-world case studies and ethical frameworks, it provides insights into the complexities of responsible AI integration. Moreover, it offers guidance on fostering ethical awareness in education and emphasizes the critical need for striking a harmonious balance between the capabilities of AI and the enduring value of human educators. This chapter serves as a comprehensive exploration of the ethical tightrope that educators, students, and policymakers must navigate to ensure AI's positive impact on education while safeguarding its ethical underpinnings.


IGI Global

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