This chapter argues for the central importance of ethical considerations in any college-based research practice. Drawing on recent experience, the professional and personal tensions in undertaking ethical research are explored, encouraging principle-based choices. Consideration is given to the role of participant responses as stories and the implications of unforeseen responses. In addition, the relevance of age is examined as participants are often on the boundary between childhood and adulthood. Working from within a research setting, and meeting high standards of anonymity and confidentiality, are also discussed and guidance given. This chapter argues for the central importance of ethical considerations in any college-based research practice. Drawing on recent experience, the professional and personal tensions in undertaking ethical research are explored, encouraging principle-based choices. Consideration is given to the role of participant responses as stories and the implications of unforeseen responses. In addition, the relevance of age is examined as participants are often on the boundary between childhood and adulthood. Working from within a research setting, and meeting high standards of anonymity and confidentiality, are also discussed and guidance given.