My Lens My Influence


Bradford-Humphrey Karla1


1. Georgia State University, USA


Students with a specific learning disability (SLD) experience grave challenges with learning in the general education (GE) setting compared to their nondisabled peers. In the 2022 Condition of Education report, Black male students with disabilities (SWD) were among the highest percentage of students served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The ‘pushing out' of SWD can organize experiences of learning disengagement resulting in a lack of proficient reading ability and knowledge. This chapter explores how Black male SWD are pushed out and denied equitable education access using radical critical schooling as the framework for investigation. Through this method of investigation, the chapter will present a transformative view into the world of a Black high school educator of Black SWD from disadvantaged backgrounds and high-need, Title I schools housed in poverty-stricken, underserved, urban communities.


IGI Global

Reference69 articles.

1. Dis/ability critical race studies (DisCrit): theorizing at the intersections of race and dis/ability

2. AnnammaS. A.FerriB. A.ConnerD. J. (2022). DisCrit expanded: reverberations, ruptures, and inquiries [Bibliographies Non-fiction]. Teachers College Press.

3. Disability Critical Race Theory: Exploring the Intersectional Lineage, Emergence, and Potential Futures of DisCrit in Education

4. AnyonJ. (2014). Radical Possibilities Public Policy, Urban Education, and A New Social Movement (2nd ed.). Routledge.

5. Apple, M. W. (2002). Chapter 5: Power and Culture in the Report of the Committee of Ten. In Power, Meaning, & Identity: Essays in Critical Educational Studies (pp. 73–83).







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