1. Jagannath Barooah University, India
2. University of Buraimi, Oman & INTI International University, Malaysia
3. University of Buraimi, Oman
In the recent decade Indian society has witnessed significant changes in its socioeconomic structure. These changes have brought about significant concern on personal financial domain of individuals. Further, VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) aspect of modern times has challenged the financial security and wellbeing of individuals creating the need for personal financial planning. Sustainable finance has been the focus of the researchers, where the previous studies have shed light on money attitude as a significant factor impacting financial planning. This study attempts to determine the level of money attitude and financial planning among the select educators for the study and shed light on the relationship between the two variables. The study is fixated on schoolteachers in the district of Jorhat, Assam. The implications of the research would be to put due thrust on money attitude as a determining factor of personal financial planning, by the policy makers and researchers around the globe.