1. School of Education, Kathmandu University, Nepal
This chapter explores the multifaceted nature of participatory autoethnographic research. The three researchers adapted two research designs: participatory action research and autoethnography making the journey, from ‘'I' to ‘we' and vice versa, and the transformative changes that begin with self is the first step toward the participatory autoethnographic study. The informing nature of one methodological approach to another which covers the limitation of both research methodologies on the journey of human flourishing has been linked with the teaching and learning process as a form of transformative teachers' professional development. Participatory autoethnographic inquiry helps to balance knowledge and wisdom which often are a mixed or overlooked dimension in the research process. The finding states that the different ways of knowing and their contribution to educational practices are blended for this research, which helped to acknowledge the voices of all the key stakeholders in the process of the transformative journey from conventional practitioner to transformative one.