1. Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
2. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Many consider the internet a safe environment for sharing information and performing online transactions. However, they are unaware of the cyberattacks that occur in the cyber environment. People are vulnerable to cyberattacks such as stealing of data and identity theft that cause financial loss and mental distress. Thus, cybersecurity that protects computer systems is considered vital to combat cyberattacks. This chapter aims to review strategies that can combat cyberattacks systematically. The results of this chapter showed an overview of the reviewed literature about authorship, geographical distribution of the studies, applied methods, types of respondents involved, types of strategies used to combat cyberattacks, and main study findings. Twenty-one studies met the authors' inclusion criteria. The findings highlighted that good governance, strategic partnership, perceived threat, coping appraisal, perceived cultural values, attitude, and technology efficacy are the strategies adopted by organisations and individuals to combat cyberattacks.