An Approach to Evolving Legacy Software System into Cloud Computing Environment
Container-title:Principles, Methodologies, and Service-Oriented Approaches for Cloud Computing
Zheng Shang1, Chen Feng1, Yang Hongji1, Li Jianzhi1
1. De Montfort University, UK
Cloud computing is a new paradigm for the intent of distributed resources sharing and coordinated problem solution. Affected by the Cloud trend and Service-Oriented need, many existing software systems will become legacy systems. These legacy software systems will need Cloud Oriented reengineering, which can facilitate the legacy systems reusable in Cloud Oriented architecture and allow the integration of legacy resources with Cloud features. This research focuses on establishing a general framework to assist with the evolution of legacy systems into Cloud environments. The methodology includes various phases, which use reverse engineering techniques to comprehend and decompose legacy systems, represent legacy resources by XML as Cloud component and integrate these Cloud components into Cloud environment. In this research, a legacy banking system has been chosen as a case study to prove the feasibility of the proposed approach. The legacy banking system can be transformed to run as a Service-Oriented Cloud application, which illustrates the proposed approach is powerful for utilising reusable legacy resources into Cloud environment.
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