Risk Management Research Design Ideologies, Strategies, Methods, and Techniques


Strang Kenneth David1


1. School of Business and Economics, State University of New York, USA & APPC Research, Australia


The researcher interviewed 11 doctoral students and 12 International Disaster Conference attendees to understand how research guidelines could be improved to help these emerging scholars achieve more publications. Empirical studies were cited to substantiate the need for better research method guidance. A research design model was then created as a top-down typology based on a literature review and practitioner experience. The design model consisted of four components: research ideology, unit and level of analysis strategy, formal research method, and analysis techniques. The discussion illustrated how all researcher philosophies can be simplified into one of three ideologies: post-positivist, pragmatic or social-constructivist. Additionally, the author explained how the level and unit of analysis goals are developed into an analysis strategy with research questions or hypotheses. Inquire strategy was integrated with formal research method and ideology, to facilitate the selection of data collection sampling and analysis techniques. Numerous research methods thought leaders were cited to direct new scholars towards best practices. A unique feature of the model was its simplicity and application across all the generally accepted research philosophies, methods and techniques as well as disciplinary fields. Although the study was directed toward risk management practitioners, it applies to any field or industry.


IGI Global

Reference110 articles.

1. Departures from Knowledge and/or Management in Knowledge Management

2. APA. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (APA).

3. Conducting Action Research








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