Effectiveness of Visualization for Information Retrieval through Ontologies with Entity Evolution


Katifori Akrivi1,Vassilakis Costas2,Lepouras George2,Torou Elena1


1. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

2. University of Peloponnese, Greece


Incorporating digital tools in the business and scientific research workflows is at the moment an on-going process, challenging and demanding as every domain has its own needs in terms of data models and information retrieval methods. The information in some domains involves entity evolution, a characteristic that introduces additional tasks, such as finding all evolution stages of an entity, and poses additional requirements for the information retrieval process. In this paper, we present a user study aiming to investigate how the different aspects of ontology modelling affect the performance and effectiveness of users regarding information retrieval tasks that are carried out using visualization methods. The results of the user study are analyzed and guidelines for ontology design are offered.


IGI Global

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3. Task-Centred Information Management

4. Roadmapping and Navigating in the Ontology Visualization Landscape

5. A consensus glossary of temporal database concepts








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