Evaluation of Transversal Competences of the Engineering Students and their Relation to the Enterprise Requirements


Sánchez de la Rosa José Luis1,Miranda Silvia Alayón1,González Carina Soledad1


1. University of La Laguna, Spain


The importance of the evaluation of the transversal competences in engineering studies is explained in this chapter. Transversal competences are of great importance to enterprises that like to recruit students after their graduation. They look for trained professionals, thoroughly prepared not only to solve practical problems but also to be successfully integrated in a team work. Transversal competences are not directly related to the theoretical content of the curricula, and the assessment of the level of transversal competences developed through the university studies is not an easy task. A methodology for evaluating transversal skills during the Final Year Project (FYP) assessment is proposed. And a new modality of FYP to improve the acquisition of transversal skills is presented.


IGI Global

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