This chapter presents the performance of the existing macrocell schedulers in the home femtocell environment and provides a scheduling solution for the traffic differentiation problem in the business femtocell environment. The traffic classification concept is applied to Best Effort (BE) traffic in the femtocell network, and a Grade of Service (GoS) metric is used as a scheduler parameter to classify the traffic in terms of total delivered throughput. CDMA2000 1xEVDO Rev, a femtocell product, is used to conduct two different throughput experiments in order to collect real Data Rate Request (DRC) values. For both existing and proposed scheduling methods, the first experiment consists of 4 BE users, and the second experiment consists of 4 BE and 2 Voice over IP (VoIP) users. Collected DRC values are used in computer simulations to assess the performance of both the existing and the proposed scheduling methods. Average delivered throughput, throughput fairness, BE traffic differentiation error, and VoIP packet delay bound error are used as key indicators to show the performances of both scheduling techniques.