1. SNDT University, India
In an attempt to find out the teaching methods currently in use in Indian B-schools and to assess the response to the concept of using literature as a Management teaching too, a survey was conducted among Indian B-school faculty. The aim of the survey was to find out the teaching methods used by B-school faculty members, the types of constructive, co-operative and Art & Literature methods used; the response to using literature as a Management teaching tool and the issues envisaged in using literature as a Management teaching tool. Based on the inputs from interactions with B-school faculty from Mumbai (India) and review of related literature such as research articles and case studies, a suitable research tool (questionnaire) was constructed in Google docs. Qualitative analysis was done on the data collected on the basis of teaching experience and subject taught. The chapter will demonstrate the analysis done and the findings thereof.
Reference28 articles.
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3. Brozik, D & Zapalska, A. (1999). Interactive Classroom Economics: The Market Game. Social Studies, 90, 278-82.
4. Brothers and Sisters: A Novel Way to Teach Human Resources Management
5. Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) (2001). The Mathematical Education of Teachers. American Mathematical Society in cooperation with the Mathematical Association of America.