Symbolic-Based Monitoring for Embedded Applications


Mouttappa Pramila1,Maag Stephane1,Cavalli Ana1


1. Institut Mines-Telecom, France


Testing embedded systems to find errors and to validate that the implemented system as per the specifications and requirements has become an important part of the system design. The research community has proposed several formal approaches these last years, but most of them only consider the control portion of the protocol, neglecting the data portions, or are confronted with an overloaded amount of data values to consider. In this chapter, the authors present a novel approach to model protocol properties of embedded application in terms of Input-Output Symbolic Transition Systems (IOSTS) and show how they can be tested on real execution traces taking into account the data and control portions. These properties can be designed to test the conformance of a protocol as well as security aspects. A parametric trace slicing approach is presented to match trace and property. This chapter is illustrated by an application to a set of real execution traces extracted from a real automotive Bluetooth framework with functional and security properties.


IGI Global

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