Empires of the Future


Garofalo Denise A.1


1. Mount Saint Mary College, USA


Exploring technology and academic libraries concerns more than just machines, functions or processes; the human factor is as important as the equipment. Implementing successful technology changes requires attention to the people involved, and academia is no exception. Technology can be divided into either disruptive or sustaining technologies, and these technological changes impact students, faculty, and staff. In higher education, technology changes are shifting knowledge transfer to a more participatory environment and a more synergistic experience. The academic library is in a transitive state of change, evolving from a warehouse of things to a collaborative learning destination for resources. Both the library and the academic environment must adapt to survive. Overcoming the challenge of changes to the delivery of instruction may lead to extensive restructuring of courses and curriculum. The academic library can serve as a collaborative partner with faculty, leading by example to incorporate technological changes.


IGI Global

Reference96 articles.

1. Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training

2. When are technologies disruptive? a demand-based view of the emergence of competition

3. Agostinho, S., Lefoe, G., & Hedberg, J. (1997). Online collaboration for effective learning: A case study of a postgraduate university course (New South Wales, Southern Cross University). Retrieved from http://ausweb.scu.edu.au/proceedings/agostinho/paper.html

4. Security and Privacy in Social Networks

5. Guest editorial: mobile learning.;M.Ally;International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning,2007

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